Jan 5, 2011

No One Protected Us....

I could make a list of names of people
in the last four years who knew crimes committed against me
and did not report them to the authorities.
Who does someone turn to? Ghost Busters......

I call Ghost busters a name when others get caught bold faced 
with breaking the law. Ghost Busters....It is even funny.... Is it funny that no one helped me and my family?

When I needed the help
no one was there
except for my sister
who never left my side
who has always been their in
through quakes and an aging mom
we survived their ugly phone calls from coast to coast....

I think it is time to call our brother Skip........He will protect us.....
He was a pig.......

Hey you scumbag, ,who tried to steal my dog in June 09, come into my visual prescience
you better make sure you start running the opposite direction because I am coming for you, I will be serving you bastards soon  Yes, I am still alive with my ghost busters.

.... No justice-No peace, I will not allow this to continue......

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

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