Nov 23, 2009

Portlands District Attorneys Office

After two years of carrying out an investigation, Not a Good Queer has found out the district attorneys office used perjured testimony to convict me. Why? When your suing Reach CDC for discrimination, the DA' office will support money. To say that the DA's office is corrupt would be an understatement as many know their behavior where they have rarely been caught. Yes, it will take alot of noise to put and end to my false conviction. Recently, multiple phone calls to the police regarding a drug dealer have not lead to any arrests or even a police report. This drug dealer is a star wittiness who is going to end up embarrassing the supposed greatest legal minds. These Da's are smart, let's not take that away, but corruption has nothing to do with intelligence. Many people have written about the problem of the Da's office but their are not many venues to hold them accountable.

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Not a Good Queer on Blog Spot!

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