Aug 2, 2013

Discrimination Damages from Reach CDC

Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi
631 South East Taylor
Portland, Oregon 97214


•Developed heart condition, currently on a beta blocker for tachycardia and high blood pressure!

•Checked into hospital in November for suicide when Jamie Barton told Lee, why did you bother to sign up for housing at the Rose, when you are a man?

Defamation of character

• NAGQ has worked in the nonprofit industry for many years and will be black balled by:

Reach CDC, Portland Impact, Bradley Angle House, Transition Projects

•All these agencies were told by management that they were frightened by me even though NAGQ has never physically threatened anyone at the Rose. The management falsely accused NAGQ of threatening behavior and when NAGQ asked for video tapes that the used to make write-ups, they said that they lost the tapes.

•Harassment of 17 year old mentor ship student. Lee brings clients to the Rose
to show public housing, Jamie Barton, Reach building manager, humiliates NAGQ in front of client.

•Jamie Barton is under criminal investigation from Portland's Housing Authority. She did not follow administrative rules for my housing and deliberately tried to keep me out of the building.

•Lee Greer, Portland Impact, had a secret meeting with residents where she taught them how to do write-ups after she wrote me a document that she does not deal with behavior. She turns her back when gang members chase me out of a building and call a "little bitch" in front of Lee Greer. She refuses LEE client services for 4 months, quits, and then tells the gang in the building that she is afraid of me. This creates more hostility from gang members.

Legal Abuse

•Jamie Barton provides a document for tenant to get a contact order on me. The document that Jamie Barton writes is a lie which is easily proven by the location of the buildings' video cameras. This lie allows tenant Glenda Meyers to continue to harass Lee by calling the police 7 times in a one week period to get him/her arrested for violation of contact order. Glenda Meyers tells the police, that Lee has a stench that makes her sick. Glenda Meyers is a felon for narcotics distribution who is now the new drug dealer at the Rose who was recently rewarded with a building transfer that has larger accomondations.

•Metro watch security lies to the police which results in a charge of harassment from another tenant. Video will show his lies and his homophobic behavior.

•Lee came into the building as domestic violence survivor but received harassment within the first hours entering the building and continues on a daily basis.

• Reach created a hostile homophobic environment and blamed Lee for a residents overdose. Allows resident to continue drug abuse even when she has been reported over and over again for use of legal narcotics.

• Jamie Barton would not write up individuals who attacked Lee nor would follow up on any reports of my complaints.

• Security was hired at the Rose after 5 months of tenant’s harassment of Lee and when tenants and management failed to evict Lee, they said they were scared.

• Reach ignored all written complaints of fear of safety of Lee Iacuzzi who has written documentation from other residents who have witnessed their threats on Lee’s life.

Emotional Abuse

• When my companion animal was put down for bone cancer, Reach CDC gave
Lee a cause of eviction notice two weeks later for bogus charges. The grieving process was side tracked by cruelty of Jamie Barton.

I do not apologize for anything!

Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi
Not a good Queer
MA @ PSU data>


Anonymous said...

So, Lisa, you're not feeling so hot, huh? I do hope it's nothing trivial. I don't plan on attending your funeral -- but I will send a letter saying I heartily approve of it.

BTW, if you're going to lie, at least make your lies feasible.

I note your English usage wasn't as poor as usual. Did you run this by Paul Hamilton, or have you got another proof reader?

Anonymous said...

Commentary to Lisa Iacuzzi's “Damages from Reach CDC”

On Tuesday, 6th November 2007, the incomparable Lisa Iacuzzi posted another rant on her “Not A Good Queer” blog, entitled “Damages from Reach CDC”. Following is a copy of that whinge, interspersed with comments, corrections, and facts in opposition to Lisa's usual fabrications and prevarications.

Tuesday, November 6
Damages from Reach CDC
Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi 631 South East Taylor Portland, Oregon 97214 (503)756-9734 November 6, 2007

This is, perhaps, the one valid statement in the entire whinge.

To Whom It May Concern, Damages •Developed heart condition, currently on a beta blocker for tachycardia and high blood pressure! •Checked into hospital in November for suicide when Jamie Barton told Lee, why did you bother to sign up for housing at the Rose, when you are a man?

When, exactly, was this November hospital “check in” for “suicide”? Not on 1st November – police kept Lisa was busy in the morning interviewing her over her latest violation of the stalking order against her; and in the afternoon, Lisa was at the courthouse, writing and filing stalking order petitions against Glenda Myers and Terry Sharp. Not on 2nd November--Lisa was busy preparing for, then appearing at, the hearing on the original stalking order against her, then organizing a rally at The Rose in her support. Not that weekend or Monday--Lisa acquired a dog; harassed tenants, particularly those in #203 and #204, and played on the computer. The hospital stay certainly didn't occur the date of this whinge--Lisa was in and out of the computer room and the office all day. Moreover, hospitals tend to keep suicidal patients longer than part of a day for a “check in”.

So, when, exactly, was Lisa's November hospital visit for “suicide”? Who knows? It's also difficult to see how a remark from Jamie Barton could have occasioned Lisa's suicidal “check in”, as Jamie resigned before the end of October -- as Lisa well knows, since she crowed about it on her blog.

Defamation of character •I have worked in the nonprofit industry for many years

“Non-profit industry” here must be a synonym for “unemployed” (saving and excepting Lisa's brief employment as a teacher's aide at Mt Scott, from which she was fired in 2004 for “inappropriate behaviour” toward students). Moreover, it's difficult to see how one could possibly defame Lisa's character; she does it so well herself.

and will be black balled by: Reach CDC, Portland Impact, Bradley Angle House, Transition Projects •All these agencies were told by management that they were frightened by me even though I have never threatened anyone here at the Rose.

This agencies have their own records as to Lisa's violent and threatening behaviour; little must stem from information from Rose “management.”

The management falsely accused me and when I asked for video tapes that the used to make write-ups, they said that they loosed tapes.

What false accusations? What “loosed tapes”? On whom did “management” loose them?

•Harassment of 17 year old mentorship student.

So, Lisa's little friend is now her “mentorship student”, is she? Heretofore, Nicole was Lisa's “friend”, “guest”, “my 17-year-old kid”. In fact, Nicole was the 17-year old who spent several nights with Lisa, and whom residents observed drinking vodka with Lisa in the 2nd floor west kitchen, and later smoking marijuana with Lisa. (The inappropriate behaviour which occasioned Lisa's firing in 2004 may be hinted at by her providing booze and pot to a minor, not to mention visiting teen porn sites on Rose computers.)

Lee brings clients to the Rose to show public housing, Jamie Barton humiliates Lee in front of client.

Lee Greer, presumably, never brought clients to The Rose to show them public housing.

•Jamie Barton is under criminal investigation from Hap. She did not follow administrative rules for my housing and deliberately tried to keep me out of the building.

This “criminal investigation” is merely Lisa's wishful thinking.

•Lee Greer, Portland Impact, had a secret meeting with residents where she taught them how to do write-ups after she wrote me a document that she does not deal with behavior.

This is Lisa's third or fourth redaction of her “secret meeting” tale. In previous versions, Lisa alluded to:
1) “secret meetings behind close doors with residents who are involved in the discrimination case”;
2) “a meeting ... not posted on any calendar which was used to teach tenants how to document incidences which resulted in Kim Matick from TPI being fired and a 14 page document that is being circulated around the building to get NAGQ evicted”;
3) “a learned helpless class taught by Lee Greer from Portland Impact [to] create fraud with some of the [bible-thumping African American] gang members food stamp benefits. Lee Greer helps get them free food so that they can sell their welfare cards for cash is the main vehicle into getting ones’ drug money.”

In fact, the “secret meeting” was the STARTS class orientation of 13th September 2007. It was hardly secret: notices were posted all over the building. Before class began, Lisa was busy in the computer room next door, pecking out another of her ill-spelt, ungrammatical rants. During class, Lisa peeked in the door (as opposed to Lisa's usual habit of skulking outside closed doors and eavesdropping on private conversations which do not concern her). Lee Greer invited Lisa to participate, but Lisa declined and scuttled off. So much for “secret meetings”.

She refuses me client services for 4 months, quits, and then tells the gang in the building that she is afraid of me. This creates more hostility form gang members.

Lisa herself admitted in writing that Lee provided her with several men's suits, while numerous residents saw Lisa obtain bus tickets, toiletries, and other client services. Lee Greer's supervisors removed her from the building for “security reasons” having to do with Lisa's ongoing antics. Shortly thereafter, Lee Greer resigned. She did not give reasons to Lisa's fantasy “bible-thumping drug-dealing African American gang” members, or to anyone else. Any dark looks directed toward Lisa by Rose residents is due solely to Lisa's vocation of making a nuisance of herself.

Legal Abuse •Jamie Barton provides a document for tenant to get a contact order on me. The document is a lie that is easily proven by the location of the video cameras.

Jamie Barton typed a note attesting to Lisa's habit of eavesdropping on private conversations at the request of a tenant for attachment to that tenant's petition for a temporary protective stalking order. Video cameras can hardly prove the statement a lie: no video cameras are located where Lisa has conducted her clandestine surveillance acts; and, moreover, many Rose tenants can attest to Lisa's habit of eavesdropping on private conversations which do not concern her.

This allowed tenant Glenda Meyers to continue to harass Lee by calling the police 7 times in a one week period to get him/her arrested. Glenda Meyers tells the police, that Lee has a stench that makes her sick.

Other tenants can attest to Lisa's halitosis and body odor. Petitioner Glenda Myers called police when Lisa violated the temporary stalking order granted by the court in mid-October.

•Metro watch security lies to the police which results in a charge of harassment from another tenant. Video will show his lies and his homophobic behavior.

Lisa's personal video of the security guard shows nothing that could be construed as “homophobic” outside Lisa's imagination. Lisa called the security guard a “dick” and other epithets, in front of a tenant whom Lisa threatened twice to “Join me or suffer!” and “Support me or suffer!”. Lisa's tantrum was occasioned by the security guard's refusal to acceded to Lisa's fascistic demand that he refer to her at all times in the masculine gender. It was due to Lisa's threats and aberrant behaviour that the witnessing tenant feared for her safety and that of her partner.

•Lee came into the building as domestic violence survivor but received harassment within the first hours entering the building.

The reason for the alleged “harassment” was given by Lisa herself: a guest stayed longer than the allotted time. According to Lisa's first version, it occurred “within 36 hours” of her residency, and was actually a write-up for Lisa's first of many lease violations. As for Lisa's “domestic violence survivor” status, petitions for stalking and restraining orders, taken out against Lisa Iacuzzi and on file with the court, as well as Lisa's violent and destructive behaviour since April 2007, show that Lisa is less a victim of domestic violence than a perpetrator.

• Reach created a hostile homoiphobic environment and blamed Lee for a residents overdose.

It's difficult to see how, or why, REACH would create a “hostile homoiphobic[sic] environment”, when a number of REACH personnel are themselves gay. As for the resident's overdose, Lisa never mentioned in her previous versions that REACH blamed her for the incident, despite Lisa having provided the tenant with drugs.

• Jamie Barton would not write up individuals who attacked Lee nor would follow up on any reports of my complaints.

Any failure to “write up individuals” who verbally “attacked” Lisa is probably because it's usually Lisa who is on the attack. In fact, however, residents have been written up for deprecatory comments about Lisa, including one who “called me a prick boi twice”, another who called Lisa a “dildo”, and a third who said that Lisa's “head is so far up her ass that she can chew her food twice.” If other individiuals have not been written up in response to “reports of my complaints”, it's possibly because a majority of Lisa's complaints are as obviously bogus as her alleged MA in Education.

• Security was hired at the Rose after 5 months of tenant’s harassment of Lee and when tenants and management failed to evict Lee, they said they were scared.

Security guards were hired at The Rose, for the first time in the building's long history, solely on the basis of Lisa Iacuzzi's violent, destructive, and abusive antics.

• Reach ignored all written complaints of fear of safety of Lee Iacuzzi who has written documentation from other residents who have witnessed their threats on Lee’s life.

Possibly that alleged “written documentation” is on a par with Lisa's complaint that a tenant (in Lisa's later version, two tenants) “peeped” into Lisa's second-floor window, in front of which is a large piece of furniture and a dead tree branch, and watched while Lisa masturbated – and managed to do so without puking at the sight.

Emotional Abuse • When my companion animal was put down for bone cancer, Reach CDC gave Lee a cause of eviction notice two weeks later for bogus charges.The grieving loss process was interupted by cruelty!

While the death of one's pet is certainly cause for grief, it is not generally held to be sufficient cause for voiding evictions based on non-payment of rent, destruction of building property, racist hate speech, and vicious harassment of neighbours and other residents.

As ye sow, so shall ye reap. From the generally desperate tone of Lisa's latest whinge, it may be that she has begun to reap what she has sown, and the fruit is nowhere as sweet as she had deceived herself into believing. Karma, neh?

I do not apologize for anything! Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi Not a good Queer MA @ PSU

Herr A. Schikelgruber didn't apologize for anything, either.


Not a Good Queer said...

lisaizacuze is not Lisa Iacuzzi but a women who is obssesed over me who lives at the Rose. The property is owned by Reach cdc who does not have any control of their tenants occupation with hate who would spend all day stalking and following me and trying to fool the public that I am the auther of my own hate blog.
