Feb 27, 2013

Drug Dealer:Not Wanted

Most people do not know that public housing is full of drug dealers that sell narcotics with impunity. One drug dealer, Glenda Meyers, is a favorite of the Multnomah County's District Attorney office. Despite numerous calls to the authorities by numerous people, her drug dealing goes on. She is being protected by the District Attorneys office which allows someone whose drug dealing caused near death to other residents. Why? This person is a wittiness to a false prosecution that they DA desperately wanted. And this drug dealing goes on dealing publicly on 25th and Belmont. Where methadone gets distributed and the methadonians sell their benzoides openly. Where are the arrests? Their are no arrests because this would lead to shutting down the clinic or moving it out neighborhoods where children take the bus to school. The city is ran on money and this clinic has enough money to buy their protection from the police as they turn a blind eye.

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Not a Good Queer on Blog Spot!


Anonymous said...

stay strong.
don't let that trash pull you down.

RnB bagel-eater said...

hi Lee and Rowdy! I met you when i first came to portland...it's been a while - i hope you are well. Good work on the blog and what-not. I keep seeing your name in the media - always raising hell for the bad guys!