Jun 9, 2013


I don’t know why.
I am getting by
Just happy to have a
A full belly
Is no joke
I want to be inspired
Travel the world
And wander.....
Yeah your lost
not fitting into
Capitalism of course
The music rocks you
The wind
Calls you
I ask the sky
If it will always be my friend
The sun said
I will love you and will bring
You warmth
Be your guide
When your
Bring you back to your childhood
With races to the pool
Sucking pop sickles was
I take a breathe in your
To be as big as you
Would only create
A mess
An explosion of energy
So I will just worship you instead

NAGQ blogspot


Anonymous said...
"The wind
Calls you
I ask the sky"

couldn't have said it better myself...i think most of us understand more than u know
drockwood said...
From an atheist point of view I have an instant aversion to any kind of worship; pagan or monotheistic.

but i like popsicles and races to the pool.

Apr 17, 2013

Boston Bombing: Technology vs. Humanity

God, Allah, Buddha, Jesus, higher power, somebody please help us because the sign below shows a untenable  religious war. A war that will not be won on technology but with humanity!

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Apr 12, 2013

Not a Good Queer in London!

Above is a link of a blogger whose site is called No More Lost.
No More Lost is a  website dedicated to end the hatred and bigotry against queers and to end the senseless deaths caused by this bigotry. This person wrote the above peace calling him/herself  Not a Good Queer. Well looks like this perception of what s happening in the queer community is shared across the Atlantic in London, England. Wow !

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Mar 31, 2013

Mar 29, 2013

Poor People

I use to think that "poor" people were the only ones who did not travel but just moved, well I now see rich people doing the same thing. What they have in common is this need to run, run anywhere from the place that they are standing. Because they both know, what they are looking at is really ugly and if they stick around, it just brings opportunity for the ugly to come forward.  This ugliness experienced on the west coast of the US is done passive aggressively. This passive aggressive behavior is just as bad or even worst because it turns into retaliation.

You know that things are not going well, their was a misunderstanding between the parties. One party reacts, the other party reacts, then you get a shit storm of resentment that it's in hostility when you know that this was never the intention.

So the only thing a person can do is not react again. Avoid all contact until the hostility has settled. Take Space.

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Mar 18, 2013


                 Land of the Fruits and Nuts!

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Mar 10, 2013

Smoking Gun

This document was manifested by a hate mob. Signatures were obtained and collected by supposed stalking victim Glenda Meyers and her daughter.  This document is a clear violation of Meyers temporary stalking order and even when she gave it to the police, she still was not arrested. Notice she gave the document to Portland Police Officer Andrew Koefed. This is a psychotic document that is a must read.
 If you click on these pictures, the picture magnifies!






 These same people wrote a Blog dedicated to hate of Lisa/Lee IacuzziJust Click on it's name  called Not a Good Queer( or anything else) which is cowritten by Deborah Johnson, Theresa Sharpe. The blog advertises that if you see Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi contact Glenda Meyers. 

Below is a link written by Matt Davis and published in the Portland Mercury regarding this case, no this document never made itself into evidence, but it really shows a MOB of transphobic psychotic people! The criminal defense only put an aerial picture of the Rose! Was my criminal attorney high?
 You notice on the date that it was written, read the last page, the mob threatens to take matters in their own hands, if  I am not removed from the building. To the exact date, the mob retaliated on the exact day that they said they would which was on my false arrest and hate crime dated on November 12, 2007!
The above document was encouraged to be written by Bradley Angle House staff, notice it is given to all these organizations except for Bradley Angle House. Bradley Angle House admininstrative staff and staff are located on the first floor of the Rose. This is the location of the address of my false arrest and criminalization. Bradley Angle House, Lee Greer, and Jamie Barton, told tenants to get stalking orders on me in the summer of year 07, one made it through in 10/07. This was a deliberate act which was done to retaliate.
Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi
We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!
Letter to the NAACP

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Mar 9, 2013

What can a Judge Do?

Picture of Sojourner Truth
No, a judge cannot file perjury charges if she knew the state witness was lying.  A Judge cannot file chargers for tampering of evidence in his/her own courtroom. Does this go on everyday at the District Court, in the State of Oregon?  Yes.

  • If a jury was selected,  the judge cannot overrule a juries verdict, even though they know that the evidence is false and the victim is lying!

  • A judge cannot file charges for tampering at all!

  • A judge cannot file perjury chargers in her court room!
I am sure Judges have more power? I have to do more research but let just say, that I have experienced all of the above with Judges.

 Do the Judges know what is going on? 

Hell, yes, and they are of a brighter and smarter minds out there than me as my introduction to the police and the criminal justice system has only been eight years.

I am going to be fifty in July, so post conviction brief will not be filed until September 2013 and with three continuances from the State, I might just get a hearing in June 2013.

 I might get a fair trial?

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

State vs. Iacuzzi: Tampering by former DA Loprinzini and Attorney Robin Runstein

Watch this video. Notice the audio does not change but the film changes very much. As she bolts through the door, this women is not seen in the video at all. The camera hits floor and I am supposed to be running up the stairs. But the sound is not moving. Because I was not moving when this audio appears on the film. The audio and the film is tampered.

                                       Attorneys Loprinzini and Runstein are bad people!

Then the camera moves to a head shot and still the audio does not travel with it.  What they did was move the audio into the tape and then edited out audio. When I first arrived going down to the office, I sat a the top of the stairs.  I then stopped as I heard Patty Spain yell at the security guard on why he called the police if he did not see anything? I sat their is shock.The daily Portland Police call to have me deliberately arrested.  I see Jackie Barton, master mind of the plan, leaving the office and then coming towards me and then running back into the office so I could not be next to be in the office.  Then Meyers comes flying down screaming that she can not get out of the building. I hear her and walk down a few steps, film and tell her why don't  you tell them that I slugged you, You can't get out of the building? That's funny. Then she waited behind the door for quite some time, maybe waiting for Portland Police Officers Koefed and Lowery to come as tenant Bren Athens already called them. Of course, this exculpatory evidence is withheld during the trial! Of course now that some of the

footage is retained, you notice in the film Meyers is calling her daughter Kim to walk down the stairs with her and Little Eddie. Of course her daughter was there as the police could not allow a young boy to be a witness of a supposed crime without parental consent. Both Attorneys Runstien and Loprinzini altered the video tapes so the jury could not figure out that Meyers was with her daughter during this supposed crime. She comes up stairs to unlock her room so her daughter can hide in their while her and Leal, and Jackie Barton can continue with their plan. Two other gangs members come to the scene of the crime as they shield the police officers Koefed and Lowery talking to Meyers alone behind a closed door when she
 When she finally bolted the door open, was only because the maintenance man came running down the hall to come to her rescue. When he arrives, the supposed victim does even walk to the main exit. He has to turn behind himself to see her as he goes to the main exit to help her and then is confused on why she is not going. Then he talks to the security guard, the security guard talks back, as you can see their mouths moving without any audio. And the other tenant in the jeans, Maria Leal, her audio is cut out where she half way says that she can't get out of the building, the security guard tells her to sit down. This audio is dubbed but you have to watch in slow motion......

This women is at the door, she is screaming that she cannot get out of the building. She is referring to an incident that happened upstairs. We both have temporary stalking orders on us and she is suppose to walk in the opposite direction. If you slow down the tape, frame by frame, you will notice she only keys her door and comes right after me. This was their plan. Their is a voice in the background who states, "dam right I do",  she gets her heroin, clonazapan, methadone, you name it, Glenda Meyers can provide!  Their is only 55 seconds that separates the two videos of an incident that did clearly happened. As former Judge Janis Wilson states to the jury that she could not even count 3 of the 6 elements needed to convict someone of a crime.  The jury did not take the wise judge and the jury did not even know or understand just who Judge Janis Wilson is: a pure genius.

When I get down stairs, I hear the security guard arguing with a Reach employee on why he called the police if he did not see anything. I am there in shock, disbelief that they are coming again, over and over again trying to arrest me on a false charge.

Meyers is at the door, I am sitting high up in the stairwell. I tell her why don't you tell them that I slugged you, you can't get out of the building, that's funny. Then when she bolts through the door, she is missing in the film. Then you see her, I went down the stairs and said, you cannot get out of the building?, I certainly was not laughing at this point and the attorneys both moved this audio forward and tampered with this evidence. The sound should have traveled with the camera. It did not. This is easy to prove and watch the videos slowly, frame by frame.

Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi
Notagoodqueer on google
Ma @ PSU
We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Portland Police Property Held Nov.12,2007 to March 08, 2013

I video taped getting my camera back today. I will be posting the film on line. 

My Portland Police Property held order was given to the officer at the window. I also enclosed an email regarding two cameras.
My property  was given to me in a plastic bag through a shoot. I had to sign for the Property Number 106 etc. in this property was missing:

1. Raw data, the video tapes and pictures have been tampered with. The details of the tampering will not be posted.  They enclosed my belongs in a plastic bag. On the outside of the bag, they wrote 1 camera. This black magic marker did not say what type of camera, just the letter one. This was intentional deception as this saga continues to get evidence out of Portland Police Property.  The officer who gave me my "property" said, look the bag is sealed and nobody touched it. Now, that is too funny because twenty of my own snippets ended up in States Exhibits 1 in the matter of State vs. Iacuzzi.

The tampering went into a new criminal level!

Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi
Notagoodqueer on Google

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Mar 7, 2013

Rowdy: Kidney Disease

Hello my name is Rowdy,
I was diagnosed by Paul, he is the vet and owner of Portland Animal Clinic, PAC, with kidney disease. My owner was very upset as I am her service animal. I came into the clinic throwing up, with diarrhea, and I was hiding from my master. Well after just one visit my owner changed my diet.

                   I now eat K D dog food for renal disease.

 Well I feel great on this diet as I returned to my old self. Yes, I am getting old and now with kidney disease. Kidney disease happens frequently in older dogs and nobody knows why or how. But this vet many years ago invented a special dog food for dogs that had kidney disease. This vet’s invention took out the bad parts of my food that made me sick.

 Yes, I do have spells going back to PCA when I eat garbage off the ground or when I find hiding spots of cat food which are placed outside my owners sight which was meant for feral cats. I am not sure of my life expectancy but you would never know this if you see me out in public. I escort my owner frequently on the bus and to grocery stores. We are still having fun and I wanted my other furry friends to know, that this dog food works.

Use K D  Formula Dog Food
IT Works.........!

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Mar 5, 2013

My Pink Plaid Scarf

My neon pinkplaid scarf

A gift from sis that I wear

To make me feel safe

It does not match any of clothes that I have

But somehow it is symbolic of another self

That glides to another beat

A rhythm of blues that my soul seeks

A sunset to greet

A mountain to climb

Redemption is in the air………….
Keeping the pain and shame
At bay

Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi
Ma @ PSU

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

My Recovery looks like:

Waves rolling on a beach
Footprints in the sand
the ocean tries to stay pure
as it pushes debrie' out from their

As every wave comes threw
the water takes out what
does not belong to them out

leaving themselves whole again!
Picture taken in
Salem, Ma

Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi
BS @ Salem State College
Ma @ PSU

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Started Recovery: Partial Inpatient

Yes, I am now getting the help that I have needed for so long. I want to say thank you to those readers who were kind. I even had one reader who would  write me lengthy words of wisdom, which I did not publish as I thought his/her comments were meant for just the two of us. I want to thank him/her of their kindness because your words are ringing loud and clear.

I think this person is a  he, I am really not sure, but the advise was, get better and get those motherfuckers! I have taken the advise and now things are just coming into place. I even attempting to do this feat with some Grace!

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Mar 1, 2013

I have My Memory Back: I know Everything. Audio Dubbing to Make look like an asshole.. Good bye.

I know everything. I mean everything. As I try to heal from this crazy  and cruel event in my life called State vs. Iacuzzi. I now have my memory back and know what you did with those video tapes. And the funny thing is that the Dist Attorneys office , the Da's were coming down out of the building at Circuit Court and laughing their asses off at me. I saw them having a great laugh as an FBI agent approached Loprinzini and asked him if he thought this was a hate crime. I approached Loprinzini and told him that this was a hate crime. He then walked across the street and I was just standing there in the same place. He then made a statement to Judge Janis Wilson.

 Yes , this happened and then he told a story to Judge Janis Wilson that I approached him and he was scared. He also said that I was writing on my blog that stalking orders and restraining orders are unconstitutional .  Judge Janis Wilson asked him if he wanted a stalking order, he said no. Judge Janis Wilson then reminded him that I had a Constitutional right to write whatever I wanted to write.

I have had no contact with former District Attorney Loprininzi since my sentencing in July 28, 2008 with the label State Vs. Iacuzzi.

I have my memory back, and whether you tampered with raw evidence or not, that a Judge figured out you tampered. She spanked you hard for offering evidence to the jury without announcing it was an exhibit. OOPS. She got evens and put all the videos into evidence rather that the thee two films that the defense wanted to admit even though tampered version of the dics were played to the jury.  WOW what an allegation. WoW so easily you gave that information to Judge Janis Wilson when She questioned the defense that footage was missing from the video MV.......; No said the defense, no said the prosecution, and so the judge orders what defense calls twenty snippets of films that the prosecution and the defense share as identical exhibits.

The defenses only puts an aerial picture of the Rose? What? Then the defense withheld the audio on the key piece of evidence that could have proved Meyers to be a liar and on top of it, tampered with evidence.

 The Prosecution offers 8 exhibits, they enter 7. The Affidavit for Dismissing the Stalking order is offered but it is not put into evidence by the defense nor the prosecution.  Why not? This supposed case of State vs. Iacuzzi was dismissed on March 21, 2008 with Judge Philbrook. This was four months prior to a trial that the defendant did not know even was coming. I have my memory back and I want to thank those who were heroes and I am sure I owe apologies to Judge Janis Wilson. I know that I might have hurt people in this process of being totally outraged from experiencing a hate crime to becoming a criminal.

 I an now  being vigilant into telling the truth publicly so that the public understands how the courts work.                                            
Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi
Pro Se' lawyer

Everyone must read Abu Jamal, called Jail House Lawyers.

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Feb 28, 2013

Where to Report Tampering

Oregon Department of Justice - Attorney General Ellen F. Rosenblum

Judge Janis Wilson could not file perjury chargers against Meyers. The district attorney did not want to file charges against her because she would expose Reach CDC. This event is eventually going to happen with public support. Meaning my story needs to get out to the people who get a seat at the table because some of you know one thing. You know that I will not give up until I am at the table with recorders playing with my dog at my side.

Now I am going to meet with Attorney General Elle Rosenblum to file tampering, perjury, and a hate crime. It is only going to be a matter of time before all those responsible will be put behind bars which includes attorneys. What you say, the courts are against you. Politics, money, reputations, careers, are at risk. Why would the Attorney General File chargers for tampering? Because if I commit any crime, the cuffs are on me! Due to this fact, they have to meet at the table because they certainly know that I am coming. Now I can come with my camera and now for the first time people watching. As I was called the "Lonewolf" by the IPR employee, was the description of someone who would never reach out and howl in the streets of the city!

I am howling with my dog now! I am even smiling after I received some property back from the Portland Police.................!

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Feb 27, 2013

IPR APPEAL August 18

Not a good queer is the only appeal for 2009 for the Independent Police(IPR) review board on August 18 at 5:30 in the Love Joy room. When the appeals process was instituted the IPR thought that would have a ton of appeals but this did not happen. Why? Because the process is long and the IPR reports are done by the police themselves. In my IPR report, Officer Lowery states that he did not investigate a gay bashing because I had a supposed temporary stalking order, well the gay bashing was two weeks before the hate mob was able to obtain a stalking order. THe police did not even check OJIN to find out these facts. The bottom line in the city of Portland, is that their is no police accountability and it is a waste of time to think that they are ever held accountable.

In this meeting that I have waited almost two years for, I will be asking for the investigation to be reopened. The police interviewed the hate mob who deliberately set up my arrest and I want an investigation regarding some communition that Metro Watch called the police while hate mob leader Glenda Meyers was on the phone calling 911. Their is not any documentation of Metro Watch on the police report and when BOLI investigated a retalliation complaint, Metro watch did not explain themselves.

Being patient is going to pay off as those who committed these crimes against me will be going to jail. THey are Jamie Barton, Jackie Barton, Maria Leal, Bren Athens, Glenda Meyers and more. They are already guilty of tampering with a wittness which will give them more time than the hate crime.

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Not a Good Queer on Blog Spot!

Hate Crime added by the POLICE

Koefed and Lowry do not press any charges on this drug affected hallway owner. Bren Athens shown in the video also is the writer of a hate blog called Queerer and Queerer http:/notagoodqueer-oae.blogspot.com which is dedicated to the hate of Not a Good Queer(NAGQ).

The videos above show the story of hate of someone who has a male and a female gender in an all women's building. You see a video of Maria Leal who overdosed twice in the building. Her drug dealer is Glenda Meyers who has been convicted of several misdemeanors for drugs. After the hate mob put bed bugs on my door, Meyers spat at me while I was trying to cleanse my room. Andrew Koefed came to the rescue and threatened to arrest me after I was gay bashed. I was arrested in my lobby of my own building even though I had a stalking order on Meyers and Meyers gang. Boli investigated the hate and several witnesses came forward who wrote documents citing Meyers homophobia who forced other gays out of the building. In one of the videos you see former Reach CDC manager Jamie Barton. Jamie Barton committed perjury with Glenda Meyers when she falsified the facts given to a judge where Meyers was able to obtain a stalking order on NAGQ. NAGQ spent 29 days in jail and still faces chargers of violation of stalking order since November 07.

NAGQ video taped the arrest which clearly demonstrates that Meyers violated her stalking order but NAGQ was arrested for standing in my own lobby. Due to the substantial finding of discrimination form the state, BOLI, Reach CDC is being sued for gender discrimination. Jame Barton supposedly resigned due to the Housing Authority doing a criminal investigation against her behavior. NAGQ went outside the building and held up signs for free drugs at the Rose. Barton would only write up NAGQ for drinking in the kitchen but would not write up others even when an ambulance and the fires department had to revive the above Maria Leal. The drugs made their hatred validated by Reach CDC management doing nothing but protecting a homophobe and drug dealer who exposes her grandchildren to her drug dealing.

Of course, the sexual minorities round table, a Portland based police community against the discrimination of sexual minorities is doing nothing! Maybe this is because Bradley Angle house is involved with this organization against hate. Bradley Angle is against hate but not when it affects trans people? Bradley Angle House's administration is on the first floor of this building. They also case manged many of the residents of this building. Did they tell others to knock off this gang behavior or did they encourage them to file a lawsuit against those who are bigendered?

Let's say, that did nothing to protect me and had a spokes person in the building who signed a hate document against NAGQ. Shame on Bradley Angle house.

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Not a Good Queer on BWe still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Anonymous Equals Chicken Shit

Not a Good Queer really enjoys feedback from my poems. My favorite poem that I have written is called "I Do Not Know Why". Recently, I have moved back into society and live in very big house. The problem is that the Methadone Clinic on Belmont allows METADONIANS to harass people after they get their "medication". These people are like the movie the Zombies, they are drug affected, half a sleep, slurring their words, and stalking me because I am shutting them down.

Their are children who take the bus to school and share the bus stop as drug dealers who do not even go to the clinic get off bus 15 in front of my house and deal narcotics until 12pm when the clinic closes.

As you can read below, they are not happy with me not allowing them to openly distribute drugs. I have received 6 of these comments, had a gun shell casing in front of my house, and a threat to poison my dog. Guess What! I am not afraid of any death threat and I have been given a promise from a friend that he will sue the clinic if anything happens to me and give the money back to people who are trying to help themselves. I also want to say that the 500 people that get their drugs their, their are about 30 of them who are ruining it for everyone.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I Do Not Know Why":

Lee, Lisa, whatever the fuck you want to call yourself why the fuck is it always you being the victim when you threaten to kill family members you have multiple charges of assault and stalking against you. When you are the laughing stalk of Judge Judy you still have the balls to write a pity peice about how your a fucking victim. How come there is plenty of trans gays and bis that walk the streets of Portland, Oregonian, everyday unharrassed every day but yet you seem to be victimized constantly. Have you ever thought that maybe if you just chill relaxed and took your medicine, you might be able to see the world the way it is. Maybe if you didn't force yourself into being an outcast in society society would have no problem with you try walking the line sticking up for what is truly right but yet understanding that every fight is not your battle. Drop the small shit take a deep breath and enjoy life for what it is............ Think about this who and what is in your life and what is making you happy always constantly being the victim? quit crying about the shit that you think is holding you down and do something with your life YOUR A FUCKING JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am glad these drug dealers enjoy Christmas, I will see you in Court!

Justice is Dillusional

District Attorney office covers up a hate crime! The District Attorneys office with the help of my own attorney, Robin Runstein, allowed Glenda Meyers, leader of the hate mob called Not a Good Queer or Anything Else, to commit perjury. On November 12, 09, Meyers makes a false 911 and states that she is being trapped in a corner of the building. Metro Watch guard is present and a Reach CDC employee is present but they do not tell the police about Meyers false accusation. The District Attorneys office prosecuter went to the Rose apartments himself and witnessed an exit door that Meyers could have taken. She was clearly not trapped. The District Attorney ignored this evidence along with the police officers who received her false 911 call. The District Attorneys office also ignored a 6 month investigation by the State of Oregon stating that their was a hate mob making death threats and false accusations against a trans gendered person. The District Attorney challenged a civil rights case by it's own state government. Why? Because Reach CDC has money and power, as the District Attorney worked with Reach CDC lawyers during the whole criminal trial. Why press chargers against someone who had two stalking orders on this hate mob and allow a lie to happen? Transphobia. I believe many testimonies that the DA investigated was reports that Iacuzzi wanted to indentify his/her gender. He took these statements as a crime of a trans person being in an all womens building. The biggest irony of the case is Judge Zushman who provided the original stalking order. Meyers tells the judge that I am accusing her of taking lessons of hate from others in the building, that I am accusing her of being a drug dealor, and that the Civil Rights Division is involved and that Iacuzzi is transgendered and be a man or something. Of course this temporary stalking order was backed up by fired manager jamie Barton who wrote a letter to help Meyers get a stalking order. Of course, Barton deliberately left out of the letter that their was a fire alarm that I went down stairs on to check, ended up being an opportunity to write a stalking order.
The District Attorney ignored a 350 page civil rights report to convict an activist. He knew that she had been caught by her clinic with drug use and he certainly ignored the facts that she was a hater and a drug dealer. Where is the justice?

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!
Not a Good Queer on Blog Spot!

Drug Dealer:Not Wanted

Most people do not know that public housing is full of drug dealers that sell narcotics with impunity. One drug dealer, Glenda Meyers, is a favorite of the Multnomah County's District Attorney office. Despite numerous calls to the authorities by numerous people, her drug dealing goes on. She is being protected by the District Attorneys office which allows someone whose drug dealing caused near death to other residents. Why? This person is a wittiness to a false prosecution that they DA desperately wanted. And this drug dealing goes on dealing publicly on 25th and Belmont. Where methadone gets distributed and the methadonians sell their benzoides openly. Where are the arrests? Their are no arrests because this would lead to shutting down the clinic or moving it out neighborhoods where children take the bus to school. The city is ran on money and this clinic has enough money to buy their protection from the police as they turn a blind eye.

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Not a Good Queer on Blog Spot!


Photo taken by Iacuzzi. The picture is of the heart of a tree..
(Lie on your back and look up at me.)

am a complicated tree
the only way to see me is
underneath the soil
which grows into the sky .....
I wonder how thou Tree and Me
became bent in places.....
Which curves into the wind and cuddles life around itself
reaching for a taste of

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Stalking Orders are Unconstitutional

Anyone can go down to District Court and file a stalking order on anybody they want. As a matter of fact, you do not need any evidence. One can be thrown out of their residence without any evidence or even a trial. Stalking orders came about during the feminist movement to protect poor women from being stalked. But now, stalking orders are being misused and are unconstitutional.

One is not suppose to suffer loss without due process. Once one gets put on you, it is followed up by another judge who may or may not want to hear any evidence and then you are a stalker. This is bullshit, it needs to stop, the feminist have gone too far. Thanks for the new fight to change legislation on stalking orders because it is being abused so dramatically and is certainly not reflective of any sort of due process.
The next thing you know, your on trial for violating a stalking order, the person who puts the stalking order on you, the victim only needs to show how well they can cry.

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Not a Good Queer on Blog Spot!

Bradley Angle House and the Roto Rooter Man

When I stayed at Bradley Angle house, a domestic violence womens program, there was a women there named Rhonda. She was going to be the first women to complete Bradley's Angle domestic violence shelter program without a single write-up. She had new clothes and was entered into a new job training program. She was well on her way on becoming independent. The night before her insurance training and in her last week at Bradley, she was written up for making noises at 8:30 pm when she was trying to retrieve
an alarm clock for another guest.

Rhonda was upset, she was boosted by Megan Lake, her case manager, of being an absolute success and this write-up, caused Rhonda to loose her entire self esteem. The next morning, Rhonda came down to the office and complained inappropriately about the write-up. She was upset for good reason. Bradley Angle House kicks her out in the street. Other tenants came to me and told me that I had to help Rhonda move her stuff since I was the only one with a car. I had a meeting myself in 2 hours that I could not be late nor miss or I would have been kicked out.

Rhonda packed her many things and then would take a break and come down and yell at the staff. After several times, directer Oliv McCullen stepped in with her huge body and blocked her way to the office and yelled, "get out"! Rhonda told her that she was a big women and had no right to throw her weight around!

I was at the bottom of the stairs waiting outside, laughing so hard that I could not breath.

As I was driving Rhonda to her new spot, she spotted a Rooter Rooter truck, she said, "this same truck had been following her for two years". Then she said, "that she would sue them even if she was mentally ill, she would show their maliciousness".
I still laugh when I see a Rooter Rutter truck.

The founder of Bradley Angle House states, that they are having respect issues with residents, the full story on http://bonnietinker.org/?m=200704.
Recently the Oregonian wrote an article on the same abusive behaviors of Bradley Angle.

Bradley Angle House kicks out people with mental health problems out into the streets. Where is "Imagine a World, Free of Oppression?

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Not a Good Queer on Blog Spot!

The Castle on a chess board is strategically at the ends of the board. The brothers of the King and Queen  usually live in a place where they were kept separated from family for safety of the Crone.

The tart and tea
were for you
I guess I am out of

maybe too easy
I have been alone for four years as I needed
to grow into my own...

I know who I am
I don't ask others to
try to be anything but
even on a rainy day,

it drizzles with spots of puddles
all around
I am wet up to my ankles
I have waited a long time
like a bishop in a chess game
a player who strikes in a blind-sided fashion
No, I am not waiting for others to make a mistake
as I know what is happening

is a convergence of a higher power and a

social construction called Justice
What I know is that I have to
breathe air and

see the moon which puts me to sleep, as I awaken to the sun.

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!


Loprinzi- Arusi: Put Your Head in A Noose

Arusi Loprinzini, Attorney, District Attorneys

I laughed with a friend today as we talked about putting ones head in a noose. The District Attorneys office in Multnomah County has certainly done that. We both laughed as I told her of the video the DA edited to the jury. As he told the jury that we were talking about drugs and cut out the video of what was really being said. What I was saying to Maria Leal, a drug addict and hater, that this is your source of drugs, as I pointed to Meyers as she approached me over and over again when the stairs to her exit was a breathe away. She would walk towards me intentionally even though I had a stalking order on her. The only thing I could do was to video tape that she was not afraid of me, and she sent her dogs after my wittiness in room 207. Who left me a note on video not to come to her room, to call her instead due to fear of the mob. The hate mob led by Jackle Barton and Martha Feggan was in full force. They knocked on my wittiness door late at night, she said she felt like she was dragged out her room. They brought her into a room across the hallway from my room in 204. They told her she did not have to lie as my witness but she could say it like this or that. She told them she would not lie as they continued to harass her by banging on her door as they walked by and cut off her resources for the help she needed.
When I was arrested, Terry Sharpe was on trial for stalking me, she is a real stalker........... The hate mob harassed my witness by phone calls and other tenants demanding that she keep quiet. My witness went into the hospital for mental health.

The DA's office new that I had accused Meyers for drug dealing which is what Reach CDC and the DA office is been trying to hide. The great crime, of hiding and protecting drug dealers who are leaders in a hate mob.

SHAME ON THE DA'S office. I will get a new trial. Your a hater? , ETHICS District Attorney Loprinzi- Arusi put your head in a NOOSE? Come and get me or protect me and do your job. Remember, Straight but NOT NARROW. I coming for you Loprinzi- Arusi, I coming with a gang of mine called JUSTICE! The GANG, Martin Luther KING, Malcom X, Rosa Parks, Sojourner Truth, Harvey MILK,. Steven BICO, Cesar Chavez, Harriet Tubman, Chief Sitting BULL, etc.. They are my GANG!

Am I being disrespecting,inflammatory? Or am I making correct assessment on the responsibility of the DA's office which is not to hold evidence. The police and the Loprinzi- Arusi are to be neutral. If their is a piece missing, like my side of the police report, then, correct it, do not hide it, do not create more fear, give drug dealers and haters power? Are you kidding me! Documented death threats on my life in the BOLI file that you completely ignored. What about the people who still live in a hate mob building, who are not haters, who want nothing to do this but to live in peace without a mob threatening and running a building. They behave like they own the building verses the fact that it is a place to transition. Most of my haters lived in the building four years or more and ran the building like a jail. Kim Matic from Transitions Project who was fired, called the mob on their behavior. The hate mob attacked her included in her attack, was her "Queer Friendly" position on sexual minorities.

DA Loprinzi- Arusi put a drug dealer on a pedestal as you came into her apartment building knowing the STATE of OREGON proved her to be DISCRIMINATORY and their had been Gender Discrimination over a 8 month period that is still ongoing. You ignored a state investigation Loprinzi- Arusi

I wonder how much insurance you have Loprinzi- Arusi or is a true desire for you to do dishes for a living! I making myself clear!

I love my readership which has now expended to every judicial and social service agency in this city of Portland that is liberal and conservative.

The hate mob writes me quite often but I do not post their hate. They have their own hate blog dedicated to 100 percent of their writing about me. I have over 320 posts and maybe 10 percent is addressing my freedom and the hate I have endured and still enduring.

I am not afraid of dying, what I am afraid of is LIVIN with your hate in my life. I REBUKE YOU! I though I was well behaved during the trial as you were covering up for the drug addict. I smiled for my MOB SHOT! Thanks for hanging yourself. I am sure you will not be at the new trial.

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Not a Good Queer on Blog Spot!

Custody Report part 2

Just click on these Portland Police Custody Reports. When you click on them, the image blows up.

Page 1 and  page 2 are on post Custody report.

You would think with a custody report that nobody saw anything that it would be easy to cross examine the police. It did not happen. As the defense worked side by side to deliberately, intentional, falsely convict me for stalking. The next posting will be the case transcripts and the evidence offered.  I do not know any case where someone was convicted of a crime, that a police report would be put into evidence. The defense nor the prosecution put the police report in evidence during the trial. THIS kind of bullshit has not happened since the 1960's where minorities never had a chance against the law or the courts.

I said in the Mercury that if I was convicted, it would make my case legendary. Thanks?

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Portland Police Custody Report guised as a Police Report

The police came to the scene of the crime based on two phone calls. The first phone call was never investigated. My belief is that this phone call came from a tenant named Bren Athens. She was "deputized" by Andrew Koefed regarding an incident on 10/14/2007.

When someone calls 911, their has to be a police report. The second call to the police call was made by a women named Glenda Meyers who I had a temporary stalking order.  She had a temporary stalking order on me and called 911 stating that, "she could not get out of the building" on November 12, 2007. Three officers come to the scene for this 911 call. So why is their only a custody report on this day and not a police report? This is stated in this custody report that is doctrine to look like a police report. Officer Koefed cannot write a police report stating that I violated the temporary stalking order by not letting this women named Meyers out of the building because all the witnesses are stating, "that they did not see anything", with 7 witnesses  present. If he wrote a police report, he would have arrested Meyers for making a false 911 call, harassment, and a hate crime. This was all planned by a hate mob that supported this women. How did this plan fail? Maria Leal. She is listed as a witness on this custody report, she was suppose to carry out a plan with Meyers, by deliberately lying for Meyers stating that she could not get out of the building. When it came down to the police report, Leal backed out of  the hate crime, even though she did signal to Meyers where I was sitting on the stairs and she did  put the set up in motion.

See Custody Report that was investigated by IPR who was also fooled thinking it was a police report. Their is a video recording of this IPR event of fraud held at city hall with many witnesses who never understood that they were looking at a custody report with a case number listed which was not stalking. The DA and the police justified this fraud because tenants including Theresa Bowers told Judge Steven Todd that the incidents were related. And I was never charged for the 10/14 false incident. Why? Because in the Metro Watch report, a guard wrote," their is nothing written down regarding the incident" and he stated in a report on this same day, that he saw Theresa Bowers chasing me down the street. Of course, Metro Watch did not call the police on the fact that I was running for my life. I had to leave after this incident but Metro reports will show that Portland Police Koefed came looking for me almost every day to make an arrest event hough this incident occurred at 3am in the morning. This incident was not connected to Meyers in any way except that they are both false accusations.

See the Custody report with a case number on the side of it, this case number was a citation that I received in which I was suppose to show up for court on 11/16/2007. They falsely arrest me on this case number 4 days of the first initial hearing on the Nov. 16, 2007. They do not file a police report for the 911 call, if they did, they would have had to arrest Meyers which is the last thing they wanted to do. This behavior is called discrimination, retaliation, etc. 

Lets look at the custody Report:    

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Feb 26, 2013

This film was edited to the jury. You see security guard "Tracy" backing me up into a corner than you see her reach into her pocket, which signals Meyers to come down my stairwell, approach and intentionally get filmed.


                                            The jury does not hear, "not you' in this video.

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

State vs. Iacuzzi Evidence Tampering

This is a screen shot of States evidence of video tapes that are entered as evidence. The top video on the list has been tampered with. How? The tape number and tape time have been changed. It should have been one of the last videos taken and should be 3044 instead the number is way off and labeled MV3036. These videos were entered by the defense and the prosecution. You will notice when you see this video, it makes the custody report prove to be a lie which is what the defense and the prosecution were both spinning to the jury. Jail time for lawyers? See Video, you can hear Police officer Harris talking to Bren Athens calling me ignorant. Athens and another tenant named Martha Fegan stand outside the phone room, shielding Police officers Andrew Koefed and Timothy Lowery in being alone with victim so they could collaborate on their stories. The police report stated that when the police arrived, I was screaming and yelling at them, lets see;

 Camera in pocket, concealing it from cops and a hate mob created by Reach CDC.

Changing tape names and tape times is called tampering.

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

State vs. Iacuzzi Exhibit See the Tampering


We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!
We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Officer Koefed came that day of harassment but he doesn't cite person for harassment because this is his building snitch. This is the person who he gave his police cell phone number to who tried to have me falsely arrested since 10/14/2007. Meter Reports show Koefed coming to arrest me daily even though the incident I am given a citation for is not on his shift.  It is believed that this women made the first phone call to police as they tried to cover up their hate crime and Koefed's and Metro Watch's participation in the crime.

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

State vs. Iacuzzi Tampered Evidence

Koefed and Lowey are saying that upon arrival that I was on top of the stairs coming down yelling and screaming, arrest me,  arrest me. I called the police on11/09/07 and they told me that the stalking orders were not enforceable when two people live together side by side.

I did not know the DA puts drug dealers on the stand. This persons voice named Maria Leal was in the Custody report as a witness to the event.  She is clearly under the influence on this day. And yes, the DA and the defense dubbed this part to the jury which is called tampering.

Well of course we did not hear Maria Leal say, dam right I do,' during the trial and of course it had shown up and evidence. This is called tampering. Would the DA play this video over and over again as it was played at during trial with Maria Leal, witness for the defense stating Meyers status a s a drug dealer.

Let's face it, this is a ridiculous case that Reach CDC needed for a conviction so that their lawsuit would be squashed. The goal was to humiliate me and provoke me to react. I did not say a word during the trial, as it was obvious that my attorney was working side by side with the prosecution to get a conviction. Now the table is turned. Now it is time for both lawyers to loose their  bar liscense and get arrested for tampering.  Lets face it, nobody gets caught, but you pissed off  the Judge by offering exhibits and not putting them into the record, so this is why their are twenty snippets of evidence entered and the tape times and dates are all tampered with. Proving it is easier, finding a police officer in Salem, at the DOJ, getting press is necessary.
Hell, if we commit a crime we go to jail, when a lawyer commits a crime, he gets paid!
We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

Feb 21, 2013

Coming For You: Portland Poilice Officer: Andrew Koefed

                             Andrew Koefed, Portland Police on the right.
              Some people should not be cops and Andrew is one of them.

Come to MAMA?

This is a snapshot of a video I took on the day of my arrest. You see her making a "cold threat" through the glass. She slams open the door like she is using it to hit me. You see with her body language that she turns and looks at me as she is opening the opening the door. She was just screaming that she could not get out of the building. The main entrance and exit is behind the photograph of Maria Leal. The prosecution lied to the jury when they told them that the main exit was to the left of the film.

Attn. Officer Andrew Koefed, Jerry HOUSE DA, Division of hate crimes
We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!