Feb 28, 2013

Where to Report Tampering

Oregon Department of Justice - Attorney General Ellen F. Rosenblum

Judge Janis Wilson could not file perjury chargers against Meyers. The district attorney did not want to file charges against her because she would expose Reach CDC. This event is eventually going to happen with public support. Meaning my story needs to get out to the people who get a seat at the table because some of you know one thing. You know that I will not give up until I am at the table with recorders playing with my dog at my side.

Now I am going to meet with Attorney General Elle Rosenblum to file tampering, perjury, and a hate crime. It is only going to be a matter of time before all those responsible will be put behind bars which includes attorneys. What you say, the courts are against you. Politics, money, reputations, careers, are at risk. Why would the Attorney General File chargers for tampering? Because if I commit any crime, the cuffs are on me! Due to this fact, they have to meet at the table because they certainly know that I am coming. Now I can come with my camera and now for the first time people watching. As I was called the "Lonewolf" by the IPR employee, was the description of someone who would never reach out and howl in the streets of the city!

I am howling with my dog now! I am even smiling after I received some property back from the Portland Police.................!

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

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