Mar 1, 2013

I have My Memory Back: I know Everything. Audio Dubbing to Make look like an asshole.. Good bye.

I know everything. I mean everything. As I try to heal from this crazy  and cruel event in my life called State vs. Iacuzzi. I now have my memory back and know what you did with those video tapes. And the funny thing is that the Dist Attorneys office , the Da's were coming down out of the building at Circuit Court and laughing their asses off at me. I saw them having a great laugh as an FBI agent approached Loprinzini and asked him if he thought this was a hate crime. I approached Loprinzini and told him that this was a hate crime. He then walked across the street and I was just standing there in the same place. He then made a statement to Judge Janis Wilson.

 Yes , this happened and then he told a story to Judge Janis Wilson that I approached him and he was scared. He also said that I was writing on my blog that stalking orders and restraining orders are unconstitutional .  Judge Janis Wilson asked him if he wanted a stalking order, he said no. Judge Janis Wilson then reminded him that I had a Constitutional right to write whatever I wanted to write.

I have had no contact with former District Attorney Loprininzi since my sentencing in July 28, 2008 with the label State Vs. Iacuzzi.

I have my memory back, and whether you tampered with raw evidence or not, that a Judge figured out you tampered. She spanked you hard for offering evidence to the jury without announcing it was an exhibit. OOPS. She got evens and put all the videos into evidence rather that the thee two films that the defense wanted to admit even though tampered version of the dics were played to the jury.  WOW what an allegation. WoW so easily you gave that information to Judge Janis Wilson when She questioned the defense that footage was missing from the video MV.......; No said the defense, no said the prosecution, and so the judge orders what defense calls twenty snippets of films that the prosecution and the defense share as identical exhibits.

The defenses only puts an aerial picture of the Rose? What? Then the defense withheld the audio on the key piece of evidence that could have proved Meyers to be a liar and on top of it, tampered with evidence.

 The Prosecution offers 8 exhibits, they enter 7. The Affidavit for Dismissing the Stalking order is offered but it is not put into evidence by the defense nor the prosecution.  Why not? This supposed case of State vs. Iacuzzi was dismissed on March 21, 2008 with Judge Philbrook. This was four months prior to a trial that the defendant did not know even was coming. I have my memory back and I want to thank those who were heroes and I am sure I owe apologies to Judge Janis Wilson. I know that I might have hurt people in this process of being totally outraged from experiencing a hate crime to becoming a criminal.

 I an now  being vigilant into telling the truth publicly so that the public understands how the courts work.                                            
Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi
Pro Se' lawyer

Everyone must read Abu Jamal, called Jail House Lawyers.

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

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