Evidence deliberately hidden by Reach CDC in the case Iacuzzi vs. the state.
1. Warning letter of cause of termination if Meyers continually calls the police on Iacuzzi. Meyers must go to security first due to the fact that Meyers with a stalking order on her had 16 residents sign a document making false accusations. Meyers calls 911 stating that she is trapped inside in the building.
1b. The video of the day of my arrest. Supposedly erased that will end a few police officers careers and the arrest of Meyers. Rachel Huber, Becky Crew, Jamie Barton from Reach cdc were on the DA's list for wittnesses for the day of my crime? Also hate mob tenants Karen Carpenter, Bren Athens, Maria Leal, and Terry Sharpe. I had a stalking order on Sharp and Leal, Atens can be seen on You tube called "your so hated" and for Carpenter, look up "Lesbian Hate". These films clearly show that they lied to the District Attorney's office to cover their hate crime.
1c. Reach cdc told the night monitor Patty Spain, not to talk to Iacuzzi, Iacuzzi was to call 911 as the other residents were free to make complaints. Spain gave Iacuzzi luggage to leave two days before my arrest due to the incidents reports reported to Spain. Spain's doucments and write up regarding false accusations are deliberately being hidden. Spain has been silenced by Rachel Huber to keep quiet or else. Spain talks to Internal Affairs Lynn Courtney. OOPS Internal Affairs sides with Iacuzzi as the IPR while the Southeast precint sits on the case.
Reach cdc tells BOLI that the security guard called the police on me prior to MEYERS due to a communtion. This commution is not written about in the police report. The security guard was about to get fired for not doing his job. This was well dcomented on video.
2. Copy of the documentation of Metro Watch reports and managers report of that day.
3. The commution was beleived to be reported by Jackie Barton, a leader of the gang, who was used by managment to get rid of Iacuzzi. Barton also played liason between Transition Projects and Reach Cdc. She is seen as a reliable source who ends up having an inappropiate relationship with a Metro Watch security guard.
4. Metro Watch made fale statements to the police and did not protect Iacuzzi even when they wrote in reports that I was being chased. Metro Watch allowed overnight guests for another tenant Theresa, as her guest Michael Marguels lived in the buiding for months, until Iacuzzi arrest.
5. Jamie Barton hid evidence of a report of drug dealing of Glenda Meyers written before 9/12.
on 9/6/08 Barton fails in court to have Iacuzzi evicted for nonpayment of rent, when Iacuzzi had paid the rent in ful. Barton uses this public experience to come back to the building and say to Metro Watch and tenants that she is "afraid" of me.
6. 0n 9/12 Portland Imapact Lee Greer and Jamie Barton hold a meeting with only rusted ganag members. In this meeting, they discuss how to document supposed incidences against me. Boli is to come in the building within the week.
7. 9/24/08 Barton tells Matick about the drug use of Meyers, Leal, and Athens. She deicdes to do something but the dame hate mob, writes a three page document citing false accusations and have Matick fired. This document included homophobic references but Reach CDC did not punish the gang.
8.9/19/08 Barton posts an antihharrassment policy in the building and does not include protections of people with gender. The document is written to target Iacuzzi eventhough Iacuzzi documents a package of bed bugs on my door.
9. 9/12/08 First stalking order attempt with manager Jamie Barton writing a letter to the judge confirming the tenants fear. The incident described was involving a community kitchen. An incident that Barton never talks to me about but just helps the tennat get a stalking order.
10.9/30/09 Lee Greer leaves the biuilding citing that Iacuzzi is the cause of the buidings troubles and that she will keep her job outside of the building. Iacuzzi is out of building but Greer will not come back in the building. Greer shows up at a hearing in November participating in a lie from one of her gang members. She states that from the alley in the apartments, one cannot see in my window. What a lie, easily proven. You motherfucker.
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