Mar 10, 2013

Smoking Gun

This document was manifested by a hate mob. Signatures were obtained and collected by supposed stalking victim Glenda Meyers and her daughter.  This document is a clear violation of Meyers temporary stalking order and even when she gave it to the police, she still was not arrested. Notice she gave the document to Portland Police Officer Andrew Koefed. This is a psychotic document that is a must read.
 If you click on these pictures, the picture magnifies!






 These same people wrote a Blog dedicated to hate of Lisa/Lee IacuzziJust Click on it's name  called Not a Good Queer( or anything else) which is cowritten by Deborah Johnson, Theresa Sharpe. The blog advertises that if you see Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi contact Glenda Meyers. 

Below is a link written by Matt Davis and published in the Portland Mercury regarding this case, no this document never made itself into evidence, but it really shows a MOB of transphobic psychotic people! The criminal defense only put an aerial picture of the Rose! Was my criminal attorney high?
 You notice on the date that it was written, read the last page, the mob threatens to take matters in their own hands, if  I am not removed from the building. To the exact date, the mob retaliated on the exact day that they said they would which was on my false arrest and hate crime dated on November 12, 2007!
The above document was encouraged to be written by Bradley Angle House staff, notice it is given to all these organizations except for Bradley Angle House. Bradley Angle House admininstrative staff and staff are located on the first floor of the Rose. This is the location of the address of my false arrest and criminalization. Bradley Angle House, Lee Greer, and Jamie Barton, told tenants to get stalking orders on me in the summer of year 07, one made it through in 10/07. This was a deliberate act which was done to retaliate.
Lisa/Lee Iacuzzi
We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!

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