This document serves as a tool to serve you notice of a tort
claim action that will be called Iacuzzi vs State of Oregon.
In February 2013, I ordered States Exhibits evidence in the matter of State vs. Iacuzzi and realized video evidence was tampered with. In March 2013, the District Attorneys office Multanomah County released an affadavit to the police department to release one camera in police evidence. This act of releasing evidence happened through persistance in asking Judge Jerry Hodson who took over case from Honorable Judge Janis Wilson. I asked the judge to release two cameras from police property that was taken/stolen on November 12, 2007 when I was arrested. I went to Portland Police property room three times over the years, and they told me the cameras were gone.The arresting officers were cited by the IPR, independent police review, for harrassment and did not persue therm to release camera. Honorable Judge Jerry Hodson asked the Da's office to release both cameras and they only released one camera. The second cameras' evidence was never entered into evidence and is still in Portland Police Property room.
The evidence in the first camera is tampered with in order to obtain a false conviction. The hate crime was filmed by myself and the film contains evidence of the police entering the scene of the crime. Both the prosecution and the defense entered the same video evidence. The police report was never entered into evidence but it was offered during the trial. at tough he knew t had a temporary stalking order on the victim who had the same conditions of the order set by Judge Zusman. Judge Zusman gave the temporary stalking order eventhough he knew that the civil rights department was involved and the victim stated transphobia in her testimony. Honorable Judge Philbrook dismissed both orders according to the OJIN but my mail was stolen and did not realize that this had happened. Therefore I asked for a hearing to dismiss the order and went before Honorable Judge Steven Todd. As soon as I saw the court room looking like a lyinching mob I asked for an immediate continuance. Honorable Judge Stvevn checked the box on restraining order as a continuance and final stalking order. The judge did tell supposed victim to take opposite stairwells to exit the building since thier were no back exits. I was arrested in my own lobby after telling supposed victim to walk the opposite stairwell. These directions are on States Exhibit 1 in the log sheets of Honorable Judge Steven Todd.
Judge Janis Wilson's court room has no audio recording due to the fact the judge has a hearing disability. So in the transcripts their is only documentation that a video was played without any documentation of which videos were being played. The transcripts just say video played. Both attorneys knew this issue before the trial that their was no recording of the audio of the videos which left the door open for tampering of video evidence.
The evidence was stored in an audio file in States Exhibit 1. The defense entered evidence first in trial. The prosecution states to the judge that he left his video evidence upstairs and that he would use the defenses evidence. The defense states in the transcripts that the evidence entered is acceptable only if the prosecution enters the entire video. The next day during the trial ,the prosecution tells the judge that he needs the defenses' dvd to continue and this is how they have the same videos in evidence. Two tampered videos were played over and over again to prove false stalking charge to the jury. In film MV 3042, the most important video, the audio was not played during the trial. In film MV 3042, the audio was tampered with and the footage was cut off from the jury. An eyewittness in MV3042 is seen at the end of the video where she pops her head outside her door, which was never shown to the jury. In film MV 3043 the supposed victim, disappears from the film for a whole second in the footage. The film has been tampered with and the beginning of the film is missing. The film was cut and the audio was moved from this cut to the beggining of the MV3043. Therefore in the film you see the camera moving up and down the stairs but you do not hear any movement of the audio. At the end of this film you see three wittness talking but their is no audio but you can see thier mouths moving.
Honorable Judge Janis Wilson told the prosecution and the defense that she had a problem with the audio not being played and that their seemed to be footage missing from the evidence. She then she asked both attorneys twice if they were sure that all the footage and evidence were entered into evidence. Both attorneys stated that all the evidence was in.
The audio was never played to the jury in film MV 3042 a key piece of evidence kept from the jury but entered falsely in States Exhibit 1. The jury did not hear a wittness in both videos state the victim was a drug dealor. The judge was upset with the evidence offered and not entered into the trial. The judge did not demand the entering of the document that was offered call Affatdavid for dismissal of stalking order. If this was entered, the judge would have dismissed the trial. The judge did not dismiss the trial when the audio was not shown to the jury nor dimiss when the evidence was not offered. To even the discrepancies in evevidence and the fact that she knew that both attorneys knew that the supposed victim was lying, she told the prosecution and the defense that all 20 snippets of 3 minute films and pictures were to be entered into evidence. Both attorneys wanted to entered just three videos and both wanted to hide the vidoes of the police entering the building that showed the police were lying in the report and during thier testimonies. The video of the police entering the building was renamed in states exhibits in put in the file system to hide the fact that this video should have been numbered MV 3044. This manipulation of video allowed the prosecution and the defense to say that Mv 3042 and 3043 were only the videos that were put of the films that involved the crime. Evidence has been altered and deleted from States Exhibits 1. Thier was no evidence of supposed victim being in any immediate danger or threat to her physcial harm which is needed in the statue for conviction of a crime. Iacuzzi had a stalking order on the supposed victim and in the film MV 3016 which showed the supposed victim coming upstairs in my dedicated exit where she tells another women to come with her and I am gay bashed.
Exculpatory evidence of the first police phone call was kept from evidence as well as eye wittness statements kept from evidence. The judges disability interefered with gathering of evidence to prove tampering by the State and both attorneys used this diability to gain a false conviction. The state aslo never legally arraigned Iacuzzi who was taken out of the court room when arraignment happened. Iacuzzi was held in jail for 29 days with no idea of what was happening when incarcerated.
The states prosecution broke the law by tampering with evidence, never arraigned, and aided and abbetted a hate crime of the portland police which resulted in the violation of due process rights and allowed crimes to happen against Iacuzzi which now this document serves as a tool for justice through a tort action.
Damages to personal life includes but not limited to violations of civil rights, due process, false imprisonment, hate crime, and post traumatic stress disorder. Also I experience physical injuries and emotional injuries that I still live with today. My service animal was also incarcerated during my false arrests.
Lisa Iacuzzi
aka Lisa Lee Jacob Iacuzzi
notagoodqueer on Google
Ma @ PSU
Film of MV 3016 You see Meyers, supposed victim, entering a stairwell and bringing someone to attack me when she knew that she was not to enter the back stairwell that lead to her apartment. You she her using this stairwell on the weekends and at night as she pretends to follow her stalking order.
We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!
This blog is a fucking on and on broken record of your madness because you are always in some sort of lawsuit which you will usually fail at because you are a whack job.
I saw you and your dog out in public like a month ago, and with your hair longer and your tacky lesbo outfit, you sure as fuck didn't look as 'bi gendered' as you claim, you just looked like a dyke with no taste in clothing with salt and pepper hair with a face like beef jerky.
You disgrace yourself and the movement with your stupid drivel. For someone who supposedly has a Master's degree, you sure as fuck have a shitty way of spelling.
There is no hate mob, and in this entry how can you say you were gay bashed if you don't call yourself gay? Good luck on getting back a camera that is now about 7 years old, it will be worthless to use as software has grown by leaps and bounds (unlike you). If anyone dislikes you, I would look into yourself and wonder why you're such a loser who has nothing else to do with HER life than cause trouble and create histrionic opportunities for attention. You're a fucking adult acting like a 3 year old and you have NO ONE who cares about you.
Doesn't it suck to be all alone in a world that hates you because of your own doing?
No shit is this a stupid blog! Over and over and over one reads the tripe of a mentally insane WOMAN who creates her own drama. Hilarious to see how so threatened she was in some of those videos when it clearly backfires and shows that SHE the supposed victim is the one bringing it all on herself.
You're a mental mess Lisa and a fucking joke. Your life is a farce and you haven't done anything with it. Aren't you like 60 now? Pretty long life for a loser who has done nothing but steal the air from society for attention. Fuck, Lisa! Do you ever get tired of fighting for nothing? You do nothing but dig a hole deeper and deeper for yourself like a retarded person. Seriously, get a life...get a grip...and remember, NO ONE gives a flying fuck about what happened between you and the State of Oregon from something that happened years ago that you will never win.
What happened to your owning everything from REACH to the Rose? Guess your lawsuits have done nothing for you!
Stupid loser fuck! Ashamed to be queer. You rise for nothing, your life is going nowhere!
someone's off their meds....
I learned about the law. And you know one can find the IP address of even cowards like you who like to hide behind Anonymous signature. According to the law, their is no statue of limitations when a crime occurs. So I am coming for you and this time, I am not alone.
Love you Lee,Keep going,don't let them get away with it! You rock!
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