Apr 4, 2011

Time Line of a crime. Hear a modern day witch scream used in 911 call Click on Here to Listen to 911 phone call

One better be of only one gender when living with others who must share a bathroom. One can end up jail for just being different.

Timeline of videos and photos

Yes, the same woman making the 911 phone call is the women smiling named Glenda Meyers. Meyers passes with a smile and then reports that she was blocked from leaving her door way. Complainant tries to document the hate. The next day Meyers, goes down to the courthouse and meets Judge Zusman and says she in fear of her life.

Metro Watch Refuses to escort Complaniant to Room

November 9, Friday before arrest. Koefed and Lowry are the officers who do not charger Meyers nor witch screamer Athens for harassment.

November 9, 2007. Complanant walking upstairs
after calling police. Attacked approximately 5 minutes later.

Pictures of Koefed and Lowry Meeting with Becky Crew
Director of property on how to have complanant arrested.
This is documented on Metro watch report as Iacuzzi is very
agitated today written in their notes includes Metro Watch admitting
to watching the video.

his is still Friday, Glenda Meyers is making a drug deal so I leave my room so I do not have to hear maria Leal begging her to sell her clonzapen to her.  Meyers comes out of her room and assualts me, then I get assualted by Athens, I call the police and they state that they can not enforce a stalking order when the two people live in the same building that have stalking orders on each other. I am upset on the phone, Meyers comes down stairs and is watching make the phone call, Bradley Angle House staff is walking behind me when I am on the phone with the police. They go get Glenda and escort her upstairs while giving me dirty looks. Portland police officers Koefed and Lowry  arrive at the scene and make no arrests against Meyers and have a meeting with Reach CDC. See Videos

Officers Koefed and Lowry talking to Reach CDC.

This video taken on 10/14/07 where Notagoodqueer is in the hallway protecting BOLI wittness who is being threatened to keep quiet regarding Lee Iacuzzi pleas for help. On 10/4/07 Margret called 911 and officer Koefed came out and spent 20 minutes with Glenda meyers. Koefed then called me out of of margrets room where I was hiding. I had to run into her room as I was spit on and chased by one of Meyers gang called Terry Sharpe. On 10/14/07 She attempts to get a stalking order but does not appear for the hearing. She organizes everyone in the builiding.  On 10/16/07 Meyers gets a stalking order by Judge Zusman as city and county officials are present along with 20 tenants and building management in his presence. The judge states in his first paragraph that he beleives Meyers. Zusman gives her the order eventhough she has not stated that I have any weapons or their was even one incident that might have exhibited fear in her life. She does tell him that I am transgendered and want to be a man or something and that BOLI, the civil rights is involved. Judge Zusman gives her the order. This above paragraph has been tried to be hushed by my own criminal attoreny who would not allow this video into evidence and objected to any mention of Meyers temporary orderhi Notiving willoo her BOLI wittness that she can no longer protect. This is the morning of my arrest. The picture is times at 8:59am and Metro
Metro Watch security guards who are paid by Reach CDC to get transgendered out of the buidling. Metro Watchmen Ed Malikowsky calls the police at 9am citing a commotion in which they call me down stairs.When the police arrive, in the police report, Metro watch admits that he called  the police but did not see anything. No one questions on Meyers false accusation that she could not get out of the buiding. That somehow the day that I am oving out of the building and giving my possessions away, that she was going to make me pay. She had friends, officer Lowery and Koefed, Metro Watch, and Reach CDC all who wanted Iacuzzi to be charged with a crime. A crime of trying to defend oneself and protect an elderly women. One can see that her dog was coming out of my BOLI wittness's room and Athens never had any contact with this women prior to her becoming a wittness. Athens was also in a meeting where the wittness attended where Meyers and the mob cited how they were going to make me pay for winning the civil rights case. And they certainly did. Will their be justice?

                                      At approxiamtely at 9:15am on November 12, 2007
Meyers approaches Iacuzzi when she has a stalking order against her and states in her 911 call that she cannot exit the building.  She fakes locking  her door and comes after me aggressively with her grandchild that she is pulling behind her.

Metro Watch is walking away as Meyers makes her false accusation.

the 911 call --- here are some of the things that bother me

1. called 911 when there is security within the bldg -

911 is for EMERGENCIES --

so when the 911 operator answers her 1st response was:

"I have a stalking order" NOT I am fearful, scared, etc.

2. She must have had the restraining order with her when she calls as it sounds like she is reciting from paperwork -- your full name -- case number, etc. so she was that threatened to have to made sure she had that paperwork with her when she calls????

3. She states that she is on her way out to see her case worker -- and that her grandson is with her. (Cuz nothing says grandma / grandson bonding like going to see your caseworker!)

Wittness's state that they, metro watch and Reach cdc called iacuzzi down stairs based on false commotion from Jackie Barton. Meyers is not smart enough to pull anything off at this level. She had a lot ot support as they just wanted the gender bender out of the building!

Then Meyers crosses my visual prescense and makes the 911 call that she can not leave the building. The she is not allowed to leave on the top nor bottom floor. Not one line on written on the police report from five adults who were present. No statement regarding her not being able to leave the building were investigated by Portland Police officer Lowry nor Koefed.

 Meyers states that I am outside the door where she is making the 911 call, as I go outside and meet the police Meyers still states that I am popping in and out of her visual prsecense. It is amazing how she followed directions given to Officer Koefed on how to have notagoodqueer arrested.

Police know at this point that Meyers is lying about being obstructed out of the building. This is because police see me and tell dispatch that I am outside the building on the sidewalk. Then you hear dispatch asking who she is talking to, this person is Maria Leal who is prodding Meyers to keep crying and making false accusations stop because the police arrive.

Meyers makes 911 call claiming she could not get out of the building. The police officers never ask any questions or any mention of  Meyers not being allowed out of the building in the police report even though they know they I have a stalking order on Meyers. Their were five adults present but they used a little boy to support their hate to convict Iacuzzi as a stalker. How sad...I demand to be exonerated as Metro Watch calls me down stairs and then walks away when the police come and when Meyers is making a false accusation. I was hours of leaving the building as we settled on an amount to just to move because the tenant threatened to sue for having a man in the building. The gender discrimination has been long over due over and I want you all to know I just want to be exonerated. Being marked as a stalker is equal to me as a predator which I am not. Yes, I am an activist who believes in justice and now I have the help of others who are helping put the pieces together.

I just want to be exonerated and I know this means that I have to hold others accountable in order to get my freedom. I guess I could say that I would like a resurection from this whole scene as getting my freedom opens my life back into a level of professionalism that I have worked very hard to reach a Masters degree level in Education.

Jeff House, Michael Schrunk, The Oregonian, Aimmee Green, Mayor Sam Adams, Dr. Bethel. GOD

We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!


Not a Good Queer said...

my lawyer, Robin Runstein stated to the jury that this second film had no volume. Lettle Eddie was my friend who approached me, he obviously was not afraid.

Rumor has it, the kids have been talken from their parents. It was probabley a drug bust of some sort. What is going to happen to little Eddie. Will he be a heroin user like his whole family or is the system going to save him?

Anonymous said...

My, libel goes nowhere with you does it?