Crying Time
Click, Click, Click, Click,The door snaps open
top tier bring down
your trays
the revolver spins .....
Click, Click, Click,
Push the door open
Cross the barrier
the trigger is pulled...
Click, Click,
the smoke is rising
in the air
the coffin door closes forever.......
Click, Click, Click,Tic, Tic, Tic
We still rise, we will not apologize for anything!
1 comment:
(part 2)
I remember from my own life, all of the pain and anger that I myself went through and how much it ate at me and it was beginning to kill me, just like the meth that I was addicted to (over 2 years clean off of street drugs, I never thought I could do it!). But over time when I allowed myself to give in just a little (and trust me, with my personality I can relate to being stubborn! And honey, you define the term! But that isn't always a bad thing, is it?) and I started to let go and move on and get past it all, I got myself together. I went through treatment for my addiction, and though I didn't wholly agree with a 12 step philosophy in getting clean, there were aspects of it that I do apply (of certain steps) to my life, and I have been rewarded with a life that I never thought would be possible. Thanks to me sticking to the right psych meds and my HIV meds, I wake up every day not dreading or angry at the world, I have come to embrace it. I learned to accept the fact that the world isn't perfect, but that I can function in it and survive. As a gift, a friend gave me a purebred pup who has become the light of my life and she goes everywhere with me as my ADA companion pet. She may not be trained to be a seeing eye dog, but trust me (like her owner) she has a job to do: to help other people selflessly in the world and to make them smile and to involve myself in the community where people can say "Yes, I know him. He has been so helpful and salt of the earth."
I just hope to God that someday you find some sense of inner peace and that you will just stop the anger towards the system and rather fighting against it, use your brain to get into the system and change it from the inside.
Please just stop saying the hateful things that you have to say about the people you feel have wronged you. Going on and on and on isn't going to change anything. Move on, and use that energy to change the world for the greater good. Wouldn't it make you feel better knowing that people respected you for what you were doing rather than saying you were some crazy motherfucker? I know you have it in you, I have that faith, and quite honestly a few years ago I could have been one of those people who would have gone out of their way to anger you just for the sake of my own enjoyment, but like I said with trying to get myself well (and I have succeeded, once I got rid of all that negativity my tcells, the fighter cells that ward off HIV shot up to the highest levels they ever have been since I was diagnosed in 2002).
Lisa/Lee, there is a world out there that needs your energy, but do not get bogged down in all the negativity and write the hateful things that you do. I know from your education you know what a balanced objective is, but your rage blocks you from seeing it. I hope you are able to get yourself together so you and Rowdy can fight the good fight and rather than people saying "Oh Lee is a nutbag" they will say "Fuck yeah, I don't care about what happened in the past. I am happy about what Lisa/Lee is doing in the present and I see nothing but good in the future."
I hope that there have been people who have been encouraging rather than giving you pity, because pity doesn't help your situation. Just get rid of all the hateful stuff on your blog, ignore that other hateful blog that is all about you and prove those motherfuckers that hate is poison and love always wins. It is unconditional...I think we can learn a lot from the smile that Rowdy gives you.
Now, get out there and do some good and stop all these hateful rants and help us, do not hinder us. I would hate for people to think that trans/bigendered people are always going to be on a violent rampage (of which you have to admit you sometimes have) but with love and pride, will perservere and do the world a lot of good.
-a reader who wants to encourage you and believes in you.
p.s. You may never meet me in person, but I am watching you and cheering for you and am filled with hope!
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