This is going to be my last Not A Good Queer post. Why, because I have a group of haters who live under the supervision of Reach CDC. They even carry their IP address of Not a Good Queer or Anything Else blog which dedicated to the hate of me. These haters tried to fool the public as they tried making me the author of their own blog by mispelling my name as Lesaizacuze @ They have mimicked my blog to the point that I cannot stand it anymore. Yes, I am having mental health issues of being compared to a bugs, elephant shit, sprayed on, a monkeys ass where I was supposedly separated at birth etc, it goes on and on with more and more hate! The worst hating beating is their remarks about racism in regard to my heroes of Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, and Martin Luther King, Steve Bico who happen to be black are being called racist names by the hate blog called Not a good queer or anything else.
Good Bye!
The fact that these humans are in denial.
According to Wilkiepedia: denial
Denial (also called abnegation) is a defense mechanism postulated by Sigmund Freud, in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence. [1] The subject may deny the reality of the unpleasant fact altogether (simple denial), admit the fact but deny its seriousness (minimisation) or admit both the fact and seriousness but deny responsibility (transference). The concept of denial is particularly important to the study of addiction. The theory of denial was first researched seriously by Anna Freud. She classified denial as a mechanism of the immature mind, because it conflicts with the ability to learn from and cope with reality. Where denial occurs in mature minds, it is most often associated with death, dying and rape. More recent research has significantly expanded the scope and utility of the concept. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross used denial as the first of five stages in the psychology of a dying patient, and the idea has been extended to include the reactions of survivors to news of a death. Thus, when parents are informed of the death of a child, their first reaction is often of the form, "No! You must have the wrong house, you can't mean our child!
Transphobia is ignored and a Hate Crime
NAGQ says, "that you got the wrong house folks and many people have swallowed their bail of goods. But it is time to put an end of your hate and I believe, finally the hate bloggers of Not a Good Queer or Anything Else will be charged and even convicted.
I have enjoyed my blog of 350 posts: I have enjoyed writing poetry and finding out that I am a beet writer. The blog has been a blessing and a nightmare. My sister Chris, has put a domain name of Not a Good for the last two years: this was done well before I moved into Reach CDC property. My goal was to have my own Dot Com with advertisers who wanted a Civil Rights movement for the poor, queer, and the disenfranchised. This dream is over.
The premise of Not a Good Queer is to expose the "Shame" and the " Humor"of being a whistle blower. As you are a whistle blower, the systems cower, but at the same time, they act passively aggressively until every allie in the city will back them and say, see , see how justified they are in their retalitory behavior.
The funny thing is that I have the discovery that I was not suppose to see. Are you all afraid of me so you will silence me? All of you who know the truth, who put themselves to bed at night with a drink or pill or two. I know you.
God is going to give me a blessing to Rebuke you. You know, as I well as I know that Not a Good Queer would like to say something else. But, I do have a sense of humor and my audience is going to purchase my domain name. Maybe there will be a Not a Good Queer porn site: my haters would love this the most. I have talked to a millionaire in town looking for a donation who is interested. Just a little. More opportunities will be open as it will be posted on the internet space.
Denied Protection Form Hate
Denied, over and over again. Denied a defense,denied an investigation, denied a police report. Police Department of Narcotics denied the call for Glenda Meyers narcotics distribution as did Reach CDC, the Portland police, etc.. I made 4 by 5 signs and stood on the sidewalk, stating free narcotics at the Rose. I held the sign as cars were going by. The police came out and told me that they did not know anything about it because if narcotics was on it, they would be out of loop. Bullshit..........You all covering up for the drugs for sale in public housing. Metro Watch refuses to escort me to my room because they themselves are afraid of the signs on my door advertising free drugs. The retalliation against me was so, they said I was selfish, all I wanted was to win a civil rights case, I went after the "gang", I did not have to, but I was not selfish and just thought of myself. I already had won the BOLI case. How many more people fired, quit or under criminal investigation.
This resulted in Meyers knowing I called her a drug dealer to Reach CDC in which she immediately put a stalking order on me. Can you imagine being a drug dealer and your talking to the District Attorney of Mult. and he is in your drug dealing den? No Loprinzini do not read the Boli document, Kerry Johnson, a chief investigator, from the state of Oregon. that you denied. Your in trouble Loprinzini, this is a media nightmare.
Cut Iacuzzi off so Iacuzzi will shut up who even told the judge about the drug dealing !
Meyers good crying behaviors with a made up a story to the judge is all that she needed. The Womens Anti-violence Domestic Act, the most Unconstitutional Act in our time was used to get me out my building where I was winning two seperate gender discrimination cases.. Of course the five stalking orders that were filed were all accompanied by Reach CDC manager Jamie Barton's letters about me in hopes she could save her job. She ended up under criminal investigation.
Discrimination in Mult. District Court
Judge Zusman tells her on court audio that she does not have a stalking order. Then she tells him, "that their is a Civil Rights investigation is going with BOLI and that I am trnsgendered or something and want to be a man".
Retaliation using Anti-violence Domestic Act
When I went public on the Boli complaint on my blog on 9/1207, Bren Athens in her ragealcholism: went down to the court house and was rejected for a stalking order by Judge Zusman. I am sure it was disturbing. Several more tenants filed stalking orders, Terry Sharpe, and Meyers twice. They see Uncle Judge ZusmanBoli is involved, then he asks if I have any weapons, Meyers comes of with a story that actually can be proved as false as lies go, they are hard to prove until they start blogging about them and you can catch things that can be documented. It is like they hang themselves, you just have to get through the layers of denial that they cannot see that I have a right to free existence.
I cannot handle seeing my work on line mutilated by a hate gang that is breaking every Internet law in existence including stalking me.
Not a Good Queer is not free anymore and wants to be set free, which is why I have to let my dream go because my work has been muliated by hate.
Now did you have a mind paradigm shift, did you swallow?
District Attorney Loprinzini
You can come and get me any time you want, did I supoena Reac Cdc for the report I made to BOLI, Reach CdC referring to the harassment of Glenda Meyers, Maria Leal, Bren Athens, and Linda Dickinson. When I subpoenaed your documents asking for the my report on telling on narcotics, whistle blowing, pissed off queer, Reach CDC never had these documents.
Side note Loprinizini: You should do your home work not believe haters. First, I never was a coworker of Talbot Wallace or Gregory Haines. Check your w-2 records. Sorry, you committed perjury in court to try to make me look bad.They are part of a broke back mountain group with Dean Pottle where they do a lot of camping. They thought I was a gay man. Sorry boys and Brandy Christine Cortnik.
Second, Brandy Christine Cortnik,
To Brandy, I could never teach you about integrity. I would yell at you alot when I would catch in a lie or the many talks we had on integrity. Yes, I am a whistle blower and the people who are involved are in high places? Yes, so we do not have to go that far into details as I made a promise to your grandma that I would never hurt you publically. I have refrained. In June 2005, Brandy Christine Cortnik filed a stalking order on me. She said, in 2001, I came to job and assaulted her. Imagine what a judge would think about this behavior. I even gave Brandy and her mother a chance to come to my hearing and to end the denial. No show. In 2001, Brandy Christine Cortnik worked for the Portland International Hostel. I was her supervisor and I lived in the hostel. I had the managers living space. I called Brandy after her shift and told her that she was not my family anymore. She came to my living space and tried to kick the door down. I gave her three warnings with every kick asking her to stop. We both were traumatized by her parents hate of Queers but she had a free pass on. Her last kick cracked the door, I had no where to go and opened the door and swung. It was quick and she got the point of not kicking my door in. I was in shock that it happened as every time I tried to say no more abuse, I was attacked. She threatened to call the police because she was jealous that I was going to be a teacher, and her family made me her escape goat for 18 years. I was blamed for her being Queer.
I came from a Harvard atmosphere. So whats the big deal in being a teacher?
She did the same thing in June 2005 when I started transitioning. When I read the complaint she made, it was the most painful that I have ever felt and I said this is an easy to end of 18 years of homophobia which is going to stop now...........Of course, she would not let go of the person who paid for her college and took her in as a teenager when nobody else could nor would.
Then I made the biggest mistake and I had her on my staff, fly her to Portland, gave her a job and housing!
Brandy Christine Cortniks rage is not any different than the rage of my haters who are in denial of their retalliation. I wish I have never them and wish to be forgotten. Yet, they cannot forget me as I have so, so, much evidence that I just sit on and wait.
My favorite chess player is the Bishop! Sick and sideways....................I coming, because as you know the death threats have not stopped me, yes you have hurt me beyond even a normal humans mental health of existence could take!
But you all knew that I have depression and anxiety that is just layered with your hate. Research has been done, on discrimination and the correlation of depression. No shit........
I will say this, I was a great manager at Portland Hostel, I was given awards and had the same staff for almost three years. Their are many pictures taking and a gold pocket watch to boot. I left the organization in 2001 and never worked for them again. The new board that I created was infected by Talbot Wallace rants where I told the Board that this guy, John Smoak, is an obsessed little boy but they did not understand and now it is going to cost them over and over again. Deny it, and blame it on me, That is so easy.are you reading his transphobia?
I received a graduate assistant ship to the master program at PSU. I wrote one of the most controversial pieces called Heterosexism in Education. It is here where I learned about and felt the isms and how they were all connected to each other.
I am setting myself free from the people in denial. You know as well as I, you will take and have done any means necessary to shut me up: like making me a criminal. But I am still breathing!
Am I controversial? My work is being broad casted and twisted around by a hate mob by Reach CDC. So good-bye to my own blog called Not A Good Queer.
My blog is for sale, as the haters blog, they are making me money! How ironic!
Good-bye and farewell!
Truth will out, Lisa, and your lies just couldn't stand up to the facts.
Denial: that's your middle name.
You even lie when you try to peddle your FREE notagoodqueer blogspot.
And no, contrary to your delusions, the owners/operators of Not A Good Queer-Or Anything Else were NEVER residents of the Rose, or even affiliated with REACH CDC.
Wake up and smell the coffee, Lisa, before it's too late. You failed because the biggest hater in your life is YOU.
Confession is good for the soul. Try it sometime.
All the best-
The Gang of Three @
Thier is no question that Debra Thomas/Johnson and Terry Sharpe are just a few of the bloggers. You have no idea how much evidence I have and as I do like to play chess, it still is not check mate. Reach CDC has been protecting you and your hate, you have made me a legend.
I also would like you to stop forwarding pron materials and sites, you need to stop. How many counts of chargers are going to be on you.
Lee Iacuzzi
Lee Iacuzzi
It is checkmate. Glenda Meyers is prescribed Clonzapen who told judge Zushman that she was allergic of the drug because she was stupid enough to tell the judge I accused her of being a drug dealer. I ams sure Dr. Cliff form the Richmond clinic has no problem with ending his participation in the drug dealing at the Rose. he is legally suppose to protect your records but he does not enable drug addicts.
The question is when Meyers goes down with Sharpe and Thomas/Johnson, are they going to take Reach CDC with them? Are they going to say Reach CDC's manager,Jamie Barton,put them up to it and she was involved in the drug activity?
Is Martha Feggan going down or is she going to cut losses. Martha who is African American, frequently makes racist statements and blames whites for her behavior. The comment they made on their blog is saved and is Martha who invited the racism going to say it was not her writing. All I know is that this hate mob is over, and I do not care which one of you go to jail. You will be broken up and put into different jail cells.
Lee Iacuzzi
Bloggers Martha Feggan, Theresea Sharpe, Annie Coffman, Bren Athens, Deborah Johnson, Thomas, Karen Carpenter, Solomon,are the bloggers who have participated in writings such as the one below on their website Notagoodqueeroranythingelse which tries to fool the public as my writing. I am horrified this harm has happened to me along with many other African Americans, Jewish and Moslem people who have been offended. I write venn diagrams called Understanding Equality to break the cycle of hate from hate groups. I am deeply sadden that this is still happening in our times, even if the mobs intention is to try to fool the public as my writings.
This hate group must stop. Letters to Judge Wilson, high ranking city officials like the chief of police. I also have emailed the press and tolet them know this type of racism is happening in Portland.
The hate mob writes as follows:the GANG, Martin Luther KING, Malcom X, Rosa Parks, Sojourner Truth, Harvey MILK,. Steven BICO, Cesar Chavez, Harriet Tubman, Chief Sitting BULL, etc.. They are my GANG!
i>These are your “wittinesses”? Oh, please. Note that five of your “GANG” are what you call “niggers”. As Rosa Parks, Sojourner Truth, and Harriet Tubman were African American women, that makes them, according to you, “nigger bitches”. The chances of African Americans such as these, let alone any African Americans, joining a “GANG” led by a racist hate monger are not likely./
This writing must be stopped call the authorities on the gang at the Rose apartments owned by Reach CDC.
Please help me!
Lee Iacuzzi>/
don't let the reactionaries get you down.
more strength to you
Thanks Anonymous for your encouragement, this whole thing is going to end and I will be able to move on to more positive light in my life. I am taking the steps, very slowly, things are happening to hold the Rose, Reach CDC property accountable!
Thanks Lee
As I have stopped my blog, I am still having daily contact with Notagoodqueeroranythingelse, bloggers, as they either comment on my blog, plagerise my blog, commit fraud, they write that I am their "companion blog", threaten me: send me emails of sex pills ads to get horny? They wait for me, Sharpe, downtown at the bus around 5pm, after seeing my lawyer, Terry Sharpe running at me to get on the bus, then get on the phone and make some phony report as she makes violent gestures to me. Then they turn around and blog every movement, then of course take the stalking down when I ask for that moment of stalking to stop.
The HOAX is over, I have the evidence, as usual, you buried yourself as you made false accusations to officials and Reach CDC, you wrote also about my movements in the city. You researched me to the detail, of course your not obssessed about me or stalking me. I did have stalking orders on the both of you who either come after me, somehow.....When will it stop?
I am going to journal every hate email, as I will not be silent anymore! Please stop Not a Good Queer or Anything Else from any contact to my blog or email accounts. I would like you to stop any contact, cyberspace or in my physical presence, or sending people after me.
My friends are going to solve this for me!
Lee Iacuzzi
No, No. I am not stalking Meyers. I have people who know about the truth and who know about the perjury. They , like many people want justice. Even the so called gang who maintains their loyalty with a drug or too are seperating ranks of Meyers.
How long is this lie going to last, it is going to last as long as I have a lawsuit against Reach CDC. The Da's office has a special relationship with them as they talked freely with each other during the trial with Reach CDC paying for lunches. I am sure Reach CDC picked up the bill.
No Meyers I am not stalking you, like I told you before, I am going to get you. I am willing to settle my lawsuit in exchange for Patti Spain and maintenace, worker, from Reach CDC emplyees and come forward.
What they do not know as they were in lobby, horrified at Meyers behavior. I was falsey accused of running through that lobby door, going down the hall, assaulting Meyers, running back, then sitting on the stairs without being winded and laughing. You should hear her 911 call to the police as she is having a pyschotic trip stating that she is trapped in the corner. I think her phone card could have reached the handle on the backdoor where she was free to leave.
Do you understand Patty Spain and others what I have been through? Have I not asked for this publically, but now I am asking you to come forward and put a lying, perjury ass, drug dealing ass, behind bars where she belongs. End the generation of Methadone users in Meyers family and give those grand kids a chance.
You hate me, but do you hate the kids?
Lee Iacuzzi
Call detective Michaels or William Warren with the city of Portland and the Portland Police. Their numbers can also be found with the Hate Comm. ran by Portland State University's Randy Blazak. You can also report it at the salvation army. As a matter of fact, all social service angentcies are required to report crime? You can report anonymously, but report and put an end to this unjustice!
I make a trade, Meyers, for settlement!
The bloggers of Not agood Queer or anything else are the hateful tenants at the Residence of Reach CDC. They have blogged my movements then at the same time made phone calls to the authorities which matches their blog posting. Of course they know this as they take the blog postings as fast as they write them. The only blessing about being arrested was that I could not BLOg, and my lawyer and I took names down as the tenants who were the only ones in the room blogged about the hearing. Right, special reporter, Anne Coffman, Madame Sochet, they wrote the entire time I was in jail. Sorry but they are caught and it is a matter of time when the DA's office does something.
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